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12 Mandela Quotes That Won't Be In the Corporate Media Obituaries

12 Mandela Quotes That Won't Be In the Corporate Media Obituaries

SUN and Conflicts of Interest

SUN and Conflicts of Interest:

IBFAN is concerned about the non-transparent process (discussions under Chatham House Rules)  chosen by SUN to address conflicts of interest. This process has been led by the Global Social Observatory (GSO),  a Geneva-based think tank funded by the GATES Foundation.

Consultation on Goats' milk protein in infant formula

Baby Milk Ation comments on the Consultation on goats milk formulas

CLICK HERE  for consultation papers

If you agree please use our comments to send a submission to:


DEADLINE for ENGLAND  6th December   

URGENT: Sign this letter to oppose new rules that unfairly protect corporations.

IBFAN and many other organisations are becoming increasingly worried about the many trade deals now being struck - more often than not in the shadows -  that seem to protect the interests of corporations at the expense of the poor. 

Below is a letter that you can sign onto - as a quick way to register your concern.

Breastfeeding, stunting in EU and WHO Action Plans

Three important documents are under discussion now:

1 EU Action Plan to Reduce the Number of stunted children by 7 million by 2025

2 Draft EU Action Plan on Childhood Obesity 

3 DRAFT WHO European Region  Food and Nutrition Action Plan  2014 – 2020

Philippines Typhoon - Protecting infant health through breastfeeding.

To understand the complexity of the situation and the pressures on those trying to protect infant health - read this first hand account by VELVET C. ESCARIO-ROXAS

You can see a picture of Velvet campaigning about BPA on the IBFAN website HERE


SUN Business Network Announces New Members

SUN Business Network Announces New Members

New Soda Tax Makes Mexico a Leading Guardian of Public Health


New Soda Tax Makes Mexico a Leading Guardian of Public Health

This month the new government of Mexico made history. In the country that consumes more soda per capita than any in the world, where the former president had been the top executive for Coca-Cola, the national Congress struck a blow for public health by passing a one-peso-per-liter tax on soda and an 8 percent tax on junk food. We in the U.S. can learn a lot from our neighbor to the south--as well as from countries including Finland, Hungary and France that have passed similar measures. Even England's Conservative Party-led government is considering such a tax.

Urgent UN appeal NOT to send formula donations to Typhoon victims


The Nutrition Cluster joint statement on appropriate infant and young child feeding in the current emergency, and caution about unnecessary use of milk products.  

Letters to the Lancet, the Editor's tweets and more

Read on for our letter to  the Lancet Series on Maternal and Child Nutrition about the fact that two of the authors are members of Nestlé's Creating Shared Value Committee.  Such roles  could, depending on the circumstance, result in exclusion from European Food Safety Authority Working Groups.

Richard Horton@richardhorton1 the Editor of the Lancet has since Tweeted the following questions:

Can anyone out there give me evidence about Nestlé's negative influences in health? Opinions are strong, and that's fine, but I need facts. 

then later:  What about Danone: are they the acceptable face of commercial influence in health? Or not? I just don't know

The power of big food: a few corporate conglomerates shape the way you live your life. How do we resist?  

Follow the Twitter correspondence  including  from Prof Anthony Costello:

"Maybe one way to resist big food is not to have members of Nestle's advisory board directing the Lancet Nutrition Series"  - and "Former head UNICEF nutrition asks why Lancet lead authors on nutrition series served on Nestlé Advisory Committe"

Our responses suggesting that he look at hard, on the ground evidence about Nestle or Danone - rather than what they say - have not been acknowledged. The suggestion from Gary Darmstadt of the Gates Foundation to look at FTSE4Good and ATNI (the two industry whitewashes ) was warmly welcomed.  Interesting. 

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