Update 42

Much to celebrate, but much to do

30 years of IBFANIt was 30 years ago that six citizen’s groups, including a member of the Baby Milk Action Coalition, formed the International Baby Food Action Network (IBFAN).

A celebration in Geneva (page 4) recalled how this came about and honoured the many people who gave pivotal support to its aims.

After celebrating the successes and the many lives the campaign has undoubtedly saved, IBFAN Europe’s conference focused on planning and training to meet the latest challenges. As industry analysts have stated: “The industry is fighting a rearguard action against regulation on a country-by-country basis.” (page 6)

In the UK the industry has been winning. The UK has some of the lowest breastfeeding rates in Europe and, with the help of the European Commission, the industry is successfully blocking implementation of the International Code, despite every health worker and mother support organisation, the Government’s own advisors and enforcement bodies calling for stronger measures. A draft report of an ‘Independent Review’ of the 2007 Regulations shows that the Independent Review Panel has wasted public money asking the wrong question (“Are babies under six months being fed follow-on formula by mistake instead of infant formula?”) rather than examining whether the regulations are fulfilling their stated purpose of protecting breastfeeding. We examine how the Government has got it so wrong and what needs to be done to protect infant health, and ensure that all mothers - those who breastfeed and those who use formula - do so on the basis of truly independent information (pages 9 - 10).

At an international level we look at the policy changes in the USA that are coming in under the new administration (page 7). We also examine how UN Business ‘partnerships’ are influencing health policies and threatening food security. Under the banner of ‘enlightened self interest’ and ‘wellness’ the industry is now on ‘a noble cause’ and is fuelling a craze for branded fortified foods with health and nutrition claims - a key marketing strategy for ‘adding value.’ (page 8 & page 17)

We examine the weaknesses in European process for authorising claims. Our position on formula is that if an ingredient is necessary to reduce its shortcomings, it should be a requirement for all formula, without claims being made. (page 12)

Through the Baby Feeding Law Group we are helping to close loopholes in the marketing regulations in the Philippines (page 15).

Worryingly, Nestlé launched a new strategy at its AGM, claiming its formula ‘protects’ babies - it doesn’t, babies fed on it are more likely to become sick than breastfed babies, and in conditions of poverty, they are more likely to die. The boycott is part of our strategy to force Nestlé to respect the marketing standards (page 19 - 23). We invite you to send a message to Nestlé and help us stop Nestlé’s ‘protect’ claims. Campaigns like this really work as our latest victory in the UK demonstrates (page 3a).


Safer formula campaign victory

Finally! In 2002 the tragic death of a five-day-old child in Belgium highlighted that powdered formula is not sterile and may contain harmful bacteria, such as Enterobacter Sakazakii. Simple steps reduce the risks, but companies refused to warn parents or update their labels - until now. After seven years of campaigning, new warnings that powdered formula is not sterile have started to appear on SMA, Cow & Gate, Aptamil, Nurture and Hipp branded formula in the UK. 

The instructions and health claims are still not right - but it’s progress!

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Who, what, why?

Baby Milk Action

Baby Milk Action is a non-profit organisation which aims to save infant lives and to end the avoidable suffering caused by inappropriate infant feeding. We work as part of the International Baby Food Action Network (IBFAN) to strengthen independent, transparent and effective controls on the marketing of the baby feeding industry. IBFAN has over 200 member organisations in more than 100 countries.


Baby Feeding Law Group

Baby Milk Action is the Secretariat for the Baby Feeding Law Group which is working to bring UK legislation into line with UN Resolutions. BFLG members include consumer and mother-support groups and professional bodies such as the Community Practitioners and Health Visitors’ Association, the Royal College of Midwives, the Royal College of Nursing, the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health, and UNICEF's Baby Friendly Initiative.


International Code

We work for controls implementing the International Code of Marketing of Breast-milk Substitutes (The International Code). This Code was adopted in 1981 by the World Health Assembly (WHA), the world’s highest policy setting body. The International Code bans all promotion of breastmilk substitutes and was adopted as a ‘minimum requirement’ to be implemented by member states ‘in its entirety’.

The International Code and the subsequent relevant WHA Resolutions, which have clarified or extended certain provisions of the Code, must be considered together in the interpretation and translation into national measures.


Protecting breastfeeding

There is no food more locally produced or sustainable than breastmilk. A breastfed child is less likely to suffer from gastroenteritis, respiratory and ear infections, diabetes, allergies and other illnesses. In areas with unsafe water a bottle-fed child is up to 25 times more likely to die as a result of diarrhoea. Reversing the decline in breastfeeding could save 1.5 million lives around the world every year. Breastfeeding helps fulfill the UN Millennium Development Goals and has the potential to reduce under-5 mortality by 13%. A further 6% of deaths could be saved through appropriate complementary feeding. Breastfeeding also provides health benefits to the mother, such as reduced risk of some cancers.


Protecting babies fed on formula 

Breastmilk substitutes are legitimate products for when a child is not breastfed and does not have access to expressed or donor breastmilk. Baby Milk Action lobbies for regulations which ensure that their composition and labelling is as safe as possible.

Companies should comply with all the International Code requirements to reduce risks - independently of government measures. Parents have a right to accurate, independent information.


Contact details

34 Trumpington St, Cambridge, CB2 1QY, UK

Tel: (01223) 464420 Fax: (01223) 464417


Baby Milk Action is funded by membership (£18 waged, £7 unwaged, £25 family, and organisation affiliations), donations and merchandise sales.

We receive grants from CAFOD, The Network for Social Change, Oxfam, Save the Children, SCIAF, S E Franklin Deceased Charity, The United Reformed Church.

Update 42 was written by Mike Brady and Patti Rundall. Update is free to members and affiliates.

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Update 42Update 42

Update 42 - November 2009

Click here to download Update 42 as a pdf.

Click here for other editions of Update

Page 2

Who, what, why?

Page 3 

Much to celebrate, but much to do.

Safer formula campaign victory.

Page 4 - 5

Celebrating 30 years of protecting infant health

Page 6

Industry fights rearguard action against regulation

Page 7 : Policy changes in the United States

Page 8 : Malnutrition - a new market

Page 9

Review of the UK law - wrong question, wrong answer

Page 10

The UK law is not working - but will anything be done about it

Page 11

Medicine and the media

Page 12

EFSA and health claims

Page 13 : European policy setting

Page 14 : International news

Page 15 : News from the Philippines

Page 16 : UK Marketing

Page 17 : United Nations and business

Page 18 : News roundup


Boycott News

Page 19

Nestlé formula ‘protects’ strategy unveiled at 2009 AGM

Page 20

Methodist Church denies Nestlé’s claim of endorsement

Page 21 - 23 : Other boycott news


New publications and obituary

Page 24 : New publications and obituary




Update 42

Update 42 - November 2009

 Top stories:

• Nestlé’s new strategy: formula ‘protects’ 

• Business attempts to infiltrate the UN 

• Danone warned to clean up its act 

• UK formula labelling victory


Full contents list

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