The protection of infant and young child health in Brazil

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IBFAN has written to the Her Excellency, Dilma Roussef, DD President of Brazil, about the  Regulation of Law 11265/2006 which protects infants from the unethical commercial promotion of products that undermine breastfeeding practices.

The link to one of the letters  is HERE

The interesting article in the Guardian about the  tour of the Nestle ship  is HERE

Please take a moment to help us in this  call  using the following text as a basis for a short letter which can be sent for the attention of Alexandre Padilha, MD, Honorable Minister of Health of Brazil:

 Thank you!! 


Your Excellency

Dilma Roussef,

Honorable President of Brazil,

Att. Alexandre Padilha, MD

Minister of Health 19 December 2012




I am writing [on behalf of - or in personal capacity]  to urge your attention to the approval of the Decree for Regulation of Law 11265/2006, which protects infants and young children from the unethical commercial promotion of products that undermine breastfeeding practices. 


Brazil has been our proud example of a country where breastfeeding rates are increasing thanks to a strong national version of the International Code of Marketing of Breastmilk Substitutes since 1988. After the last review of this Code (locally nicknamed NBCAL), it became a Law 11265 in 2006 and since then we around the world and millions of concerned Brazilian citizens have been waiting for the approval of the Decree which will allow its implementation.

The important measures your government has taken on maternal and child health and nutrition, will surely lead to Brazil reaching MDG 4 and 5 by the year 2015. However, we believe that optimal infant and young child feeding practices, as a strong and unequivocal component of these goals, will be compromised if breastfeeding is not adequately protected against the marketing of substitutes.

We know that you are committed to better child health and urge you to take all appropriate steps for the approval of the Decree of Regulation of Law 11265/2006.

Yours most sincerely,




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