Nestlé and Google join forces – watch out!!
Google Might Have Walked Into A Nestle Boycott Problem With Android KitKat. So said the influential business magazine Forbes in reporting that the new Google smartphone operating system has been called Android KitKat.
Joy of Tech produced a cartoon highlighting the scary prospect of an 'omnipresent technology company' joining forces with Nestlé (view full version).
Forbes contributor, Tim Worstall, said Google may have overlooked something:
That’s the way in which there has been a long running boycott against all Nestle products. A very minor part of it comes from mineral water: there are those who think that if tap is good enough for them then no one should use the bottled kind. A rather more serious part of it comes from the production of baby formula.
Forbes linked to our Nestlé-Free Zone as evidence of the ongoing boycott:
The absurdity of the bottled water market is demonstrated once again as Nestlé launches a bottled water called Resource, aimed at 'a woman who is a little more on the trendy side and higher-income side, and the bull’s-eye is 35 years old.' The difference between this 'premium water' and other bottled water? The marketing and the price.
Nestlé Waters takes to youtube
Nestlé took offence at a news feature by Abby Martin on its bottled water business and posted a youtube clip in response – rather than accept an invitation to appear on her show. Abby, in turn responded to Nestlé’s comments.
For example, she had cited the Council of Canadians figures that Nestlé pays USD 3.71 for every million litres of water, which it then bottles and sells for as much as USD 2 million.
She acknowledged Nestlé’s point that this is not all profit as there is the expense of the plastic bottles, storage, transport etc. And marketing too, to persuade people to buy bottled water (or even 'premium water') rather than drink what comes out of the tap – with or without home filter.
Waters campaigners win in Ontario
In October 2013, Wellington Water Watchers, Ecojustice and the Council of Canadians successfully stopped an attempt by Nestlé to have drought restrictions dropped from one of its water taking permits in Wellington County, Ontario, Canada, where Nestlé already pumps and packages 1.13 million litres of groundwater per day.