Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food speaks about breastfeeding, the Code and monitoring the private sector

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Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food speaks about breastfeeding, the Code and monitoring the private sector at the Human Rights Council 

 A digest from the report of  the UN Special Rapporteur on the right to food (and a link to the whole thing ) is here  on the  IBFAN website http://www.ibfan.org/news-2012-0302.html 

The report already has quite a bit about breastfeeding, but the Rapporteur said more during his speech at  the Human Rights Council  in Geneva on 6th March. 

Follow this link and  go directly to the minute: 1:25:00, as he starts talking about breastfeeding and the Code and the role of the private sector. http://www.unmultimedia.org/tv/webcast/2012/03/final-remarks-sr-on-right-to-food-id-on-right-to-food-and-housing-19th-meeting.html


Also  good is this  American Academy of Pediatrics statement. which is on this link: http://pediatrics.aappublications.org/content/early/2012/02/22/peds.2011-3552



New Policy Statement on Breastfeeding from AAP

This important revised policy is actually from the American Academy of Pediatrics;  breastfeeding is stated to be the norm: "Breastfeeding and human milk are the normative standards for infant feeding and nutrition", and the AAP also state "infant feeding should not be considered as a lifestyle choice but rather as a basic health issue."  A good summary of the changes can be found at http://www.hygeiababy.com/blog/?p=459