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Comments on Foods for Special Medical Purposes (FSMPs) for infants and pesticides

Comments by  IBFAN, Baby Milk Action and the Baby Feeding Law Group   

Tomorrow: 15th November  2013  Member States Experts meeting on  Foods for Special Medical Purposes (FSMPs) for infants and pesticides in food for infants and young children

CLICK HERE for background papers

CLICK HERE for Commission FSMP paper

CLICK HERE for Commission Pesticides Paper

NEW Paper! NGO concerns about WHO’s consultation on engagement with non-State actors

NEW PAPER on NGO concerns about WHO’s consultation on engagement with non-State actors   CLICK HERE

PLEASE read and support if you agree.

When: 17–18 October 2013, 10:00–13:00 and 15:00–18:00

Where: Executive Board room, WHO Headquarters

Mexico moves closer to a soda tax


Last night, the Chamber of Deputies, Mexico's lower house of Congress, approved a 1 peso per liter tax on SSBs (10%)  

310 in favor, 166 against, 5 abstentions, 19 absent.   

Next up, the Senate! (which must vote on the fiscal reform package October 21-31)

CLICK here for background to the Crusade Against Hunger story.

Click here for El Poder del Consumidor - the fantastic consumer group we have been working with to protect child health.


WHO corrects its country implementation report.

GSK pushes Junior Horlicks at 'Toddlers' in India

GSK Junior Horlicks promotion in IndiaGSK Junior Horlicks promotion in IndiaSTOP PRESS:  December 2013: Advertising Standards Council of India (ASCI) upheld a complaint against claims in GSK's print advertisement of Junior Horlicks,   that  ‘added supplement contents like DHA and CHOLINE in the product that are important for child's brain development’, ‘Competent and reliable scientific evidence’ (CRSE)’, ‘supplements containing omega-3 FA like DHA.’


Coming back through Delhi airport this weekend I noticed this  promotion for GSK's Junior Horlicks in the Guardian Pharmacy claiming: "100% RDA Nutrients for Growth, DHA for Brain."

I thought all promotion of foods for children under 2 years is stricly banned in India.  Since GSK  has now joined GAIN perhaps we can expect more of this. 


One good piece of news about GSK however - it has sold Ribena and Lucozade.



Abbott promotion in Grenada

CLICK HERE for  Mike Brady's Blog about the awful sponsorship at the International Conference on Nutrition in Grenada Spain.

CICK here for the sponsors

Here's an example of one of the displays! 

Abbott promotion in GrenadaAbbott promotion in Grenada

Links on conflicts of interest


Here are some  Links to background papers that may be useful:

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