Update 44 - April 2012
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Click on the links in the contents list below.
You will find 'next page' links at the bottom of each page.
Page 2
Who, what, why?
Page 3
Editorial : Babies need you - decision makers are failing them
Page 4
UN and business
Page 5
What role for BINGOs and PINGOs?
Rio Declaration on health inequalities betrays the promise to ‘close the gap in a generation.’
Page 6
FTSE4Good rules change to accept code breakers
Page 8
The United Nations corporate responsibility scheme fails the integrity test - no action taken over “patron sponsor” Nestlé for violating Principles
Meetings with Nestlé executives - where the Global Compact Office could help
Page 9
Children’s Rights and Business Principles
Page 10
Julie Crawford Award goes to IFIT health visitors
Page 11
New Baby Feeding Law Group makes it easier to report baby food companies
Page 12
Monitoring project stops illegal Tesco promotion
Infant Formula Explained films provide independent information
Page 13
European MEPs campaign to stop claims and formula ads
Page 14
News Roundup
- Creating new markets: ‘Growing up’ and ‘Toddler’ milks
- South African law - at last?
- Prof Michael Latham dies
Page 15
New Roundup
- American Academy of Pediatrics backs 6 months breastfeeding
- Abbott pays bloggers to review Similac iPhone app
- Taking over counselling & education
- Babies need Mom-Made NOT Man-Made
Page 16
The Business of malnutrition - profiting from the poor
- GAIN abandons Monitoring Protocol
- SUN worry
- Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food
- Governments should govern - Corporations should follow the rules
Page 17
Breaking the Rules
Page 18
Nestlé executives refuse to stop violations...
- ...unless you support our campaigns
- STOP PRESS - Nestlé formally charged in India
Page 19
Nestlé Policy versus the International Code
Page 20
Protests in North America and Switzerland
- Join the Newark Protest
- Dishounourable degree in Alberta
- Nestlé taken to Swiss court over spying ring
- New resources for promoting the Nestlé boycott
Page 21
Nestle Boycott news
- International Nestlé-Free Week becomes Halloween event
- Nestlé, Good Grief! - The Musical
- Dates for 2012
Page 22
Nestle boycott news
- URC ends support for the boycott - over a technicality
- Development agencies in Laos snub Nestlé prize
Page 23
Holding Nestlé to account
- Nestlé BabyNes system breaks Code and endangers health
- Nestlé, the London Marathon, the Olympics and water
Page 24
In the online Virtual Shop
- Nestlé Monster T Shirts now available
- Infant Formula Explained DVD
- Complementary Feeding: Nutrition, Culture and Politics
- Sponsorship